Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Management is Bringing Disco Back

All these years I could feel a gap in my heart- something was missing....  Aparently that something was disco.  As of late there seems to have been a wonderful flood of disco influenced rock music- the most obvious of these have been The Scissor Sisters and above all- the formidable MGMT (Formerly known as The Management- hahaha- get it?).

MGMT's newest album Oracular Spectacular is a work of disco influenced modern rock art.  

But hold on- I know that a lot of us aren't really open to the concept of opening wide the gates of disco and allowing it to ravage our radios and dance floors as it once did- I tell you not to fear MGMT- that they'll treat you well; and trust me- this album treats you well.  

The disco influence is not as overpowering in the album as the songs we've all heard so many times on the radio suggest.  In fact it hits the listener with a far more varried mass of sounds- ranging from the oddly psychadellic melodies of "4th Dimensional Transition" to the seemingly Beatle's/Pink Floyd influenced "Weekend Wars"....  And of course the disco jams of "Time to Pretend", "Kids", and "Electric Feel".  

In my humble opinion I'd have to say that there isn't a single bad song on the entire album- which is always a nice change from the rest of the shit we find on the radio these days.  

So when it comes to this newest album here's what I have to say- if you like artists like Muse, Pink Floyd, The Scissor Sisters, The Doors, The Beegees, or anything on the face of the earth with the slightest hint of electronic, dance, disco, rock, or indie influences then you have to check out this album.  

Disco is not only reborn- it's been improved on.  

Take that pop music.  

"Disco deserved a better name, a beautiful name because it was a beautiful art form. It made the consumer beautiful. The consumer was the star."
Barry White

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